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    Understanding the role of the Court of Protection in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children

    At Birchall Blackburn Law we understand the intensely sensitive and often emotive nature of the issues faced by our Court of Protection clients, and we are well-equipped to ensure that all our clients and their families can access our specialist legal expertise – at any time.

    We offer professional deputyship services for property and financial affairs. We also have experience in dealing with elderly client issues and matters affecting vulnerable adults. Our friendly and compassionate team can help guide you through the entire process including applications to the Court of Protection for deputyship orders. If you already have a deputyship, we can offer advice on the day-to-day running of the deputyship and the preparation of annual accounts and management of funds.

    Wills & Inheritance Quality Scheme and The Association of Lifetime Lawyers (ALL)

    Some individual members of our team have additional specialist qualifications as members of respected professional bodies such as: the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP), The Association of Lifetime Lawyers (ALL) and the Law Society’s Private Client Section. If you require a Will, we are also proud to be members of the Law Society’s Wills & Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS), a prestigious mark of high quality which requires us to provide enhanced standards of expertise, client care and service.

    Court of Protection FAQs

    • How much does it cost to apply for a Deputyship Order to take care of a person’s financial affairs?

      Our costs for making a property and affairs application to the Court of Protection vary according to a range of factors, such as the person’s assets, the availability of information and whether or not the application is likely to be challenged.

      Once we have been able to carry out an assessment of the person’s circumstances, we will explain the likely costs involved. In addition to our own costs, court fees are also payable. Sadly, public funding is not available for property and affairs applications to the Court of Protection, but you may be exempt from paying court fees in certain circumstances and we will advise on whether this applies to you.

      We will always provide a detailed cost estimate in writing at the outset and update you regularly to help you budget.

    • What is the Court of Protection?

      The Court of Protection is a legal court with authority to make decisions about financial and health and welfare affairs of people who cannot make such decisions for themselves at the time they need to be made.  The Court of Protection has power to appoint a ‘Deputy’ to make decisions on behalf of the person concerned if they lack the requisite capacity to make a Lasting Power of Attorney.

    • How can we help?

      Our experienced Court of Protection team can assist with the following:

      • Applications for the appointment of a Property and Financial Affairs Deputy
      • Applications for the appointment of a Health and Welfare Deputy
      • One-off applications to the Court of Protection e.g. for a Statutory Will or Gift application
      • Applications to the Court of Protection to remove an existing Deputy or Attorney in cases of suspected financial abuse/neglect
      • Advising Lay Deputies in respect of their duties and obligations and preparation of annual Deputyship reports


      We can also act in a professional capacity as Deputy or Attorney taking on challenging cases involving family conflict and in circumstances where there are no family members willing or able to be appointed.

    • Why choose Birchall Blackburn Law?

      We have a very experienced Court of Protection department led by Cathy MacCracken, who is a member of the Court of Protection approved Panel of Deputies and one of only a handful of panel deputies in the North West.

      Cathy and her team deal sensitively with the financial affairs of many individuals of all ages and from all walks of life who are unable to make decisions for themselves as a result of, for example, an acquired brain injury, an injury at birth, or issues caused by dementia.

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    - Did you know?

    Court of Protection can cover health and welfare issues such as which medications and treatments will be given to the individual.

    Hear it from our clients


    Great service.


    I am in my 80s and the way I was treated was excellent!


    Rosemary is very helpful and more importantly, approachable.


    I was extremely happy with the way I was treated at all times.


    Reda was outstanding, his communication skills were excellent and nothing was too much for him. He has a good teacher in Leanne.


    More than pleased to have Leanne as my solicitor. The service was outstanding and courteous.


    Excellent service. Lovely solicitor.


    Made me feel comfortable and listened to. I never felt rushed.

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